Liz P.G. Hirsch
rabbi | advocate | writer | officiant

Liz P.G. Hirsch is a rabbi serving Berkshire County
in Western Massachusetts and beyond
Chapter in Prophetic Voices: Renewing and Reimagining Haftarah
Reproductive Justice and Levirate Marriage: May I Not Go Out Empty
Chapter in The Social Justice Torah Commentary
Abortion Measure Speaks to Notion of Valuing Individual Dignity
The Boston Globe​​
Welcome the stranger, vote yes on 4
The Berkshire Eagle
5781: A Shmita Year
Awarded Honorable Mention in The Shmita Prize Competition
Don't Call Me a Female Rabbi
The Future of Work: Lessons for Clergy from the COVID-19 Pandemic
CCAR Journal: the Reform Jewish quarterly
The Importance of Showing Up: Why I lobbied for the ROE Act
5 Important Skills for Youth in the 21st Century
Tikkun Middot: bringing ourselves into balance for the new year
Yoga as a Jewish Worship Practice: chukat hagoyim or spiritual innovation?
CCAR Journal: the Reform Jewish quarterly
At Repro Shabbat, Jewish congregations try to change the narrative on abortion
The Lake Institute on Faith and Giving
Interfaith group sends hundreds of thank-you notes to Pittsfield school employees
New England Public Media
The hills are alive with the sounds of Tanglewood, Yidstock
Massachusetts Jewish leaders dismayed, angered over likely reversal of Roe v. Wade
GBH News
Press Release, The Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism and Women of Reform Judaism
Pittsfield Synagogue Hosts Community Forum On Abortion Access Legislation
WAMC Northeast Public Radio
Rabbi evokes Jewish values in reproductive rights push
The Berkshire Eagle
Celebrating High Holy Days amid a pandemic: "They certainly wrote no handbook"
The Berkshire Eagle